Friday, December 8, 2023


 Tis the season…Imagine if all of the so-called Evangelical Christians, who have paid for Trump's Bull Shit, would have taken those dollars paying for snake oil, and applied those same donations to CHARITIES. Oh so many so-called Evangelical Christians pretending that America is not Christian enough, what a Christmas miracle it would be for the millions of dollars they so eagerly have dumped for TRUMP, to be used by the homeless, the hungry, the ill. It is so easy to call yourself a Christian, but somehow it seems so difficult to act in a Christian manner. 

The name game…The Republican Party is so eager to call out anyone named Biden, but way too hesitant to even whisper the name TRUMP or Kushner, whenever it comes to treason, graft, or grifting. If the name ends in Biden, the GOP, so eager to “get even, steven,” for TRUMP, have proven they will go to unending lengths of lawlessness and honor, just so they can protect TRUMPS lawlessness, and by doing so dishonor American Justice. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, but never Jarod, Ivanka, Junior, or the Other One. By even suggesting, with no actual evidence that Biden should be impeached to make TRUMP feel better, is pathetic, hoping that somehow TRUMPS reason for Impeachment had been meaningless, and non-important.


A coward by any other name is a coward…Dozens of Republican Senators and Congress People are suddenly retiring or quitting their jobs. I believe many of them like Mittens Romney, are doing so because they do not want to be defeated in Primaries, you know, as it would be such a blow to their egos. These pompous Putz’s suddenly seem so amazed that TRUMPISM is so widespread and deadly. SUDDENLY, they have become aware of the venom flowing through the veins of their Republican constituency, as if during TRUMPS four years in office, nothing of the kind had been apparent or evident. They all NOW talk about MAGA World, saying that BEFORE  (whenever the Hell that was), things were different. They all brag that way back then, that THEY tried to make a difference. Cowards, just trying now to write a book or become a Talking Head, still garnering their Tax Payer paid pensions.


It’s the same old song… Hamas is a so-called Religious Liberty group ready to wage war on anyone who is not Muslim, or who does not adhere to their own interpretation of Islam. MAGA is a so-called Religious Liberty group that is waging war on anyone they deem not Christian Fundamentalist enough. Hamas is a virus that has established itself in the schools, neighborhoods, and daily life of Gaza, infecting almost every aspect of life. MAGA is a virus, infecting schools, neighbors, communities, and local governments, eagerly spreading sepsis. Hamas loves to play the victim all the while understanding how the ignorant will play along. MAGA loves to act the victim pretending that anyone who disagrees must be anything from WOKE, to a COMMUNIST, all the while understanding that the ignorant will follow along. For me, there ain’t no difference.