Tuesday, December 19, 2023




Have you ever thought to yourself, that SOMETHING that seemed so complicated, might not be so complicated if you actually just contemplated just how elementary it truly was? I have. And then wham, bam, thank you ma’am, I looked into the abyss of bull shit, wearing protective goggles, so I could keep my eyes wide open, as I pierced the shell of smell, and saw the light, so to say. The light, you may ask, well my answer is the light of the Orange Glow, known as TRUMP!


I have been so troubled as to exactly why this HEATHEN, this Self-Proclaimed Devil, this Empty Mass of Snake Oil, is such a popular THUG, with way too many people. 

I actually spent waaaaaaaaay too much time using intellect, and sophistication, trying to grasp, the HOW’S, WHY’S and WHEREFORE’S, when HONESTLY all I needed was a touch of COMMON SENSE.


And then, I had the PERVERBIAL “WHACK ON THE SIDE OF THE HEAD!” EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO ADMIRES TRUMP is just as Democracy hating, Justice, loathing, Equality despising, selfish, frightened sad sack THUG, who understands that when fair and honest actually play out, that THEY will be left behind.


TRUMP is a GOD, not because of who he is, but because basically without the hair spray, the tanning lotion, and the ketchup, he is non-existent. TRUMP EXEMPLIFIES, the glories of fearing the kind, considerate, compassionate, smart, and loving human being. And those who worship him, lick his entrails, write his statements, clean his pigsty, do so because they realize on their own they are smaller than the most sub atom particles within the universe.


I had given waaaaaaaay too much thought to trying to understand the TRUMP ATTRACTION… It is now soooooo simple, you like TRUMP you hate your own life!


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