Friday, May 5, 2023



The news has hemorrhaged and continues to burst at the seams, almost drowning the American public, in pools of oozing RIGHT-WING RED BLOOD. The lies, grifting, hypocrisy, hatred, and personalized self-righteousness, along with the wounds to Democracy, have caused a pandemic in AMERICA of Fascism never before seen since NAZI Germany. 


The MAGA/Republican/NRA Politician GOP Puppets/Trumpsters and a whole lot of Conspiracy Low IQ-ers have been stomping on the neck of Uncle Sam, have placed choke holds on Lady Justice, and have, banned all of the Constitution, except for the Second Amendment, (as they have banned Books in schools and Libraries), and even created their own version of the Star Bangled Banner. All of these Treasonists/Traitors proclaim what they do is because they are Patriots.


I am sick, worn out, angry, pissed off, and so tired of permitting these Enemies of the State from taking the offense, while all around me all I seem to see is the Democrats in government remain on the defense.


I write my blogs, I rant, I rave, I seek truth, I beg for justice…but so far NADA/ZILCH/ZERO/BUPKIS. 


When will the majority of us ACT UP, BE LOUD, FIGHT BACK?