Saturday, May 20, 2023

When IS, Enough...

 A Mississippi teenager will miss her high school graduation on Saturday after a federal judge ruled that the school district could prohibit her from wearing clothes that align with her gender identity at the event. (USA Today)


The Dodgers rescinded plans to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence on Pride Night, only to encounter a heated backlash. “We’re not used to people going to bat for drag queens,” one Sister said. Since 1979, tricksters in habits have ministered at gay bars, passed the plate for AIDS and cancer, officiated same-sex marriages and given succor to queer homeless youth. (LA Times)


Florida families are seeking to block enforcement of the state’s newly signed law banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors. The families have added a challenge to Senate Bill 254 to a pending lawsuit against the bans issued by the state’s Boards of Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine and are seeking an emergency order blocking both, according to a press release from the organizations representing them. (Advocate)


North Carolina’s abortion law means even traveling for an abortion may be impossible for some in the South (NBC NEWS)


Trans/Drag Queens/LGBTQ Americans/Women…None apparently equal in the eyes of the Republican Party. Some are apparently deemed as second or third-class, or maybe even less. We seem to watch as the Republicans, (yep each and every Republican who has not found the human courage to stand up and say enough is enough) play doctor, judge, jury, parent, owner, and God.


I feel helpless, I blog, I call my Congress People, I scream I yell. When do we, as humans begin to act HUMAN, and stop this IGNORANCE/HATE/SPITE/ and INTIMIDATION? I am ready.