Friday, November 10, 2023


 Cannon, the Federal District Court judge assigned to preside over former President Donald J. Trump's classified documents case, has scant experience running criminal trials, calling into question her readiness to handle what is likely to be an extraordinarily complex and high-profile courtroom clash. (The New York Times)

In the world of Supreme Court nominees, however, 1,800 pages of documents barely registers as a footnote. Page counts, of course, are not a perfect proxy for experience, but the relative paucity of Barrett’s is an indication of just how circumscribed her legal experience has been compared with virtually all of her predecessors—and even one nominee who was ultimately denied the position. The permanent , the 1800 pages, record of the 48-year-old former Notre Dame law school professor is in direct proportion with her resume, which is strikingly thin for someone nominated to a lifetime position on the Supreme Court. (Mother Jones)


And yet, AND YET, both Judges have Court assignments which can and will impact our current life, our future lives, and perhaps the lives of generations after us. Who appoints federal judges? Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed “with the advice and consent” of the Senate as stated in the Constitution. and confirmed and “shall hold their Offices during good Behavior.” Judges may hold their position for the rest of their lives, but many resign or retire earlier. THAT IS ALL IT TAKES, yep all it takes is having a Political Party in the Majority, a President who may not have won a Majority of votes by the US population, and some Dark Monied Groups bribing the Senators to vote their Judge into power, so those Dark Monied Groups can still maintain their power.


Hard to imagine many other areas where, the right experience to perform the job is not a priority. Medicine, Science, just to list a few professions, require vast knowledge regarding the particulars of the jobs they perform. The person who may have a Medical degree but never performed Surgery is a Doctor, but they are not permitted to operate. The Scientist, who had majored in flora and fauna, may be qualified to study plant life from another planet, but they would not be hired to establish the plans to build the rocket.  In most to many professions and occupations, the ability of the candidate is not always that they can do the job, but thankfully what experience have you had to complete the job.


AND YET, Justice Barrett and Judge Canon, lacking any long-term experience are handed responsibilities and decisions, which, like an inexperienced construction worker, aeronautics or chemist, are a matter of life, if gone wrong.