Friday, November 10, 2023


 When I hear or read the Talking Heads within the News Media, state that Joe Biden is disliked by Democrats, and that Democrats are unhappy with his performance, I usually start screaming at either the Television, My Phone or My Computer. I start screaming to these devices with screens in front of me, and shout, “What The Fuck Don’t They Like?”  Then when I hear some of the Talking Heads refer to Polls stating either Biden is bad for the country, and that Trump is better for the country, I immediately shout, “Exactly What Country Are You Talking About,” and I then add in a pissy tone, “No one has EVER Polled Me For My Opinion!”

Yeah, I believe age is a factor for Joe Biden, but this man of his certain age, certainly has done more to bring back Democracy then most of the younger Republican Primary Candidates promise to do if elected. Joe Biden respects Women’s Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Voting Rights, Clear Air Rights, Democracy Rights for the globe, Rights for Immigrants, Rights for People of Color. 


I believe, as have the Republican Propagandists of the past have succeeded in doing, is to repeat an UNTRUTH, an UNFACT, over and over and over again, until it has traction, and then a life of its own.  With no actual facts or figures, but plenty of heresy and innuendo, the GOP as they had so successfully done with Hillary Clinton, with Jimmy Carter, with Al Gore, with the War in Iraq, with 9-11, the Republican Propagandists know how to yell, “Fire In The Theater,” as they safely sit outside that theater, and watch the audiences run for their lives.


It is not about how bad Biden is doing, but just how well he has performed, for a person his age or any age. It is not about Kamala Harris’s ability, but the fact she is a female, and a female of color. It is not about truth or morals or ethics, because if that was so, why even consider Trump for the job cleaning up toxic waste. Once again way too many people are being treated the fool, by the same Republican Propagandists who have done so over, and over again!


“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

― George W. Bush