Sunday, November 5, 2023

"unprecedented," and your point?

 Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term.

Advisers have also discussed deploying the military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day. Critics have called the ideas under consideration dangerous and unconstitutional. (Washington Post)


I am so tired of still hearing the phrase, “unprecedented actions,” whenever a talking head is talking about all of the criminal activities and purported criminal activities Trump has been found guilty of and TRUMP is still under investigation of! YEP, they were “unprecedented.” YEP, they remain “unprecedented.” So anyone who still begins their pontification by mentioning the word “unprecedented,” get a fucking grip, because wham, bam ma’am, and sir, he done did it and plans on doing more of it if and when he gets elected as President.


I write this particular BLOG, because today, as I dared to listen to MSNBC on my car radio, (I try to refrain from any news while driving, so as to not find myself in a road rage accident), and some person who practices or teaches the law, said that circumstances are such in these “unprecedented,” ex-presidential crimes and assumed crimes, must be considered by the courts as, yep she then said, “unprecedented” terms and conditions. She went on to add that even though we should treat all citizens the same when it comes to courts and the law, there just might have to be a different standard regarding an ex-president. I was smart enough to immediately change the station to an all 60’s station before I swerved off of the road and landed in a large sand dune.


TRUMP first thought he could plan an insurrection and then a coup to hide his criminal activities. TRUMP continued to thwart any legal actions from hiding Top Secret documents, and actually sharing those Confidential materials with, well anyone who would pay up. Lying about bribes to Porn stars, lying about rape, lying about the size of his own apartment, the true value of his properties, and of course, still lying about the 2020 election. TRUMP has made it very clear how he will twist and turn any parts of the Constitution he finds will get in his way to become either a Dictator or Authoritarian. And of course, TRUMP has made it very clear his disgust with Democracy anywhere in the world, and especially in the United States.


So I ask, “WHAT THE FUCK,” somehow because this “unprecedented,” president has promised to never respect the law, we, as a nation are supposed to treat him differently!