Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 Joe Biden is facing growing calls to drop out of the 2024 election race after a poll showed the president is losing to Donald Trump in key swing states.

The poll showed that by a 59 percent to 37 percent margin, voters trusted Trump over Biden on the economy. Voters preferred Trump on immigration by 12 points, on national security by 12 points, and on the Israel-Palestine conflict by 11 points. (Newsweek)




A criminal! An accused thief stealing Top Secret Documents. An accused Rapist. A man who does not and seemingly never has paid his fair of taxes, and who believes the wealthiest of Americans should never be taxed. A man who hangs out with White Supremacists. A man who has stated how he intends to get even with his perceived political enemies, his perceived enemies within the media, how he will go after Judges and lawyers. A proven liar, a proven adulterer, a proven con artist. 


Yet, we are to believe that this poll, circulated within those damned states deemed as “Swing States,” you know, so it seems, the only votes that will count because the only votes that do count no longer count on the popular vote, rather the very undemocratic votes of the Electoral College. Who are these voters, and are they all voters? It’s the economy they say, never admitting that Trump's tax breaks for the uber-wealthy were never offset by other income. Its immigration, I guess Trump's Wall, Trump's inhuman treatment of families at the border resonate with these voters. It’s the Israel-Palestine conflict, I guess siding with Hamas and Hezbollah makes one a true believer in Democracy.




I understand that Joe Biden’s age is of concern, and somehow Trump's age and his mental capabilities are of less concern. Joe Biden says Gay, he says Trans, he says women reproductive rights, he says fair and equal, he says no to Putin, he says, democratic principles matter, he says, voter rights, he says antisemitism and Islamophobia are not American values, he says if you want to balance the budget remove the Trump Tax Breaks for the rich, he says fair wages, Corporations are not people. So the scare tactic is working, you know, as I have mentioned before the same kind of scare tactics used by the Republican Anti-Democracy Propagandists and their wealthy GOP Donors, like “her emails,” “Benghazi,” “ANTIFA!” So now we are to suppose Joe Biden who has taken us from the depths of TRUMP and his cadre of Insurrections to at least some kind of normalcy CANNOT do the job any longer… SERIOUSLY AMERICA, SERIOUSLY!