Friday, January 5, 2024

"let them eat cake"



"Let them eat cake" is the traditional translation of the French phrase "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche", said to have been spoken in the 18th century by "a great princess" upon being told that the peasants had no bread. The French phrase mentions brioche, a bread enriched with butter and eggs, considered a luxury food. (Wikipedia)


Kellyanne Conway Thinks Republicans Can Win Back Women in 2024 by Saying, “We Took Away Your Abortion Rights, but We’re Letting You Keep Contraception”

A real slogan for the ages. Politico reports that Conway plans to tell Republican lawmakers that the key to big wins this year is to focus less on the gutting of abortion access, and more on vocally supporting access to birth control, the logic apparently being that people will be grateful for what they can get (and too dumb to notice what they’re not getting) (Vanity Fair)


KELLYANNE CONWAY, just never seems to go away, continues to spin her web of evil, considers lying as important as oxygen, and places her greed, gluttony, and self-serving concoction of snake oil, mixed with venom, above ANYONE ELSE. Kellyanne may have had plastic surgery to try and look prettier, but damn, what she actually needed was reconstruction of her guts, and perhaps a transplant of a soul and conscience.


BUT it seems, that in the land of her AMERIKA, the “Let them eat cake" mantra is actually a working concept within the MAGA/TRUMP/Republican Party. I mean, think about it, how often has this Fascist Political Party, actually provided the bullets necessary for their own voters to shoot themselves in their own feet!


KELLYANNE CONWAY is a slithering snake, ready to strike. I suppose having NO MORAL COMPASS, KELLYANNE has no problem creating a HELLSCAPE as she travels.