Monday, January 15, 2024

Maybe you can?

 Dubai Importing Glacier Ice from Greenland to Serve in Drinks at Posh Bars

Ice For a Price Thanks to climate change, and now an apparent demand for exotically sourced ice cubes, the future of our world's precious glaciers is literally on the rocks. (Futurism)


The UAE produces an average of 3.2 million barrels of petroleum and liquids per day. Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is a global leader in the oil and gas industry and is active in all sectors of the industry. ADNOC expects to reach 5 million barrels of maximum sustainable production capacity by 2030. (Google Search)


So shall we follow the bouncing ball? The Dubai Royalty (one should beg the question of why exactly we even put up with royalty) under the guise of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Country, exports at least 3 million and some barrels of petroleum, FOSSIL FUEL to be exact, adding to the disruption and change in climate…which is one of the key factors in the warming of the Planet…which is a key factor of the icebergs melting in Greenland.


The Dubai Royals live in their own world of high-rise palaces away from the common person, racking wealth from the sale of FOSSIL FUELS, with absolutely no connection to the everyday strife of a warming planet, (because apparently money and LOTS OF IT can keep your piece of the Earth from dying), and to add insult to injury, they have the arrogance and audacity to sell off pieces of the iceberg, which THEY intentionally knew would melt, BECAUSE, THEY seem to give no shits. Proving at least for me that the UBER-WEALTHY actually believe that the EVERYMAN is on a different track to suffer than the WEALTHY.


And I suppose that the UBER-WEALTHY who actually pay premium prices for GREENLAND ICE could also give one shit, supposing that somehow they also will be safe from the dying Earth because they have money! Maybe I am missing something and “YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU WHEN YOU DIE!



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