Friday, January 13, 2012

just like wrestling

I GOT a whack on the side of my head it came to me...I now understand the success of the candidates running for president wanting to represent the Republican/Tea Party. I GOT I know why the most villainous of men and women were popular one day and on the skids the next day...I now know how the schematics or should I say the schemes and charades of the Republican/Tea party candidates work and why they work. I GOT IT...the people who run the politics for the Republican/Tea Party primaries run it just like Vince McMahon runs his cadre of professional wrestling fantasy matches. AMAZING...just as Mr. McMahon convinces his audience of seeing is believing viewers, the Republican/Tea Party promoters convince the audience of show me don't tell me voters that anything they see is real. And no one questions the facts cause all the facts they receive are from the carnival barkers on FOX News.

I GOT IT... after racking my brain as to how the hell racists, bigots, religious hypocrites, haters of democracy for anyone but the rich could get such attention and adoration I GOT IT. Easy, if you watch WWE there are the good guys and bad guys. The good guys stand for kissing babies, the American flag, wearing military uniforms, and always doing what men do best loving the babes. Most of these good guys are white but every now and then as long as they pledge allegiance to the flag have enough white babes on their arms, denounce Gays, or other people of color, these non white guys gets cheers instead of boos. But, the audience that believes in fairy tales, not fairies, can turn on these people of color so they cannot remain the good guy for too long. After all in Vince McMahon's world of wrestling it usually comes down the white guy winning. And you can't have too many white men in the audience wondering about their own masculinity. But I digress.

There is always a story line with the WWE wrestlers. They are champions of the common man, these warriors of justice, or so we are told by the fiction writers for these characters. Just like the writers of fable and fiction for the Gingrich's Romney's Paul's and Perry's we are told that these me stand for the true red, white and blue. Never question the man behind the curtain we are told for in doing so you aren't Christian enough, Conservative enough, Values conscience enough, and if you question too much you might just be a Socialist, and their ain't nothin' worse.

Vince McMahon uses lots of publicity to announce his matches and promises at each and every match that a new world champion might be crowned so stay tuned. And like the Republican/Tea Party debates we see the wrestlers, I mean the politicians kicking biting, punching and lunging at one another, hoping to see someones faced bloodied or even better lying on the back calling "Uncle, Uncle". As with all matches on the WWE, a winner is announced in the primaries with new challengers in hoods (they won't wear white ones but some of them sound like Klansmen), with the flag tattooed on their ass, and the Bible clutched gently under their arm they take to the crowd and like Sally Field upon winning the Oscar say "You like me, you really like me". But alas alack the “you like me” only lasts till Vince McMahon or some SuperPac millionaire spreads rumors why the like you had is now so wrong.

We have the story lines professed and pontificated, we are told they are just like us or we want to be just like them, and elect them and they will be our voice. And they lie, read from the script and mean absolutely nothing they say. But the fans adore them because they say out loud the secret thoughts of hate, bias and bigotry so often in the empty hearts and soulless souls of people only looking for someone down one wrung on the ladder of success than they.

I GOT IT...the leaders of the Republican/Tea Party as they have demonstrated since the election of Barak Obama as president have never wanted to run the country for the good of the American people, no their only goal was to run this man out of town. So they had to script their sessions of Congress and their veto’s of anything that might alleviate unemployment, create a fair tax structure for all, insure social services. They had to create fictional characters just Vince McMahon does of the WWE. Let the dumb be fooled by the dumber. Never permit the smart to be seen but provide instead marionettes whose string is pulled by people who hate democracy, love a divide of wealth and poverty, and who use God as an agent of hate. And it works and is just as successful as the best WWE Smackdown on television.

I GOT IT...finally I found the lowest common denominator to help explain why the lowest set of common denominators to call themselves Americans are running for president from the Republican/Tea Party.

We are the champions...YEAH!

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