Monday, August 10, 2020

some kind of truth

 “The Wrong we have Done, Thought, or Intended Will wreak its Vengeance on Our SOULS.”-Carl Gustuv Jung: Each day, we read an article, find a Tweet, watch a flawed and floundering personality, vengeful, incite vitriol against others, slur his words, speak in sentences so long and run-on in structure, that, when his tongue finally stops wagging, we are astonished something human just communicated with us. We are immediately told by those who relish in his depleted mental capabilities that none of us heard exactly what he meant, and then his ENABLERS restructure, re-perform, or re-address that which was Trump’s’ truth, but no longer matters because that was so 5 minutes ago! A laugh, a giggle, a snarky comment, a concerned public aware of his dementia; and nothing but reaction to this collection of evil called Trump, and we still permit him to ACT OUT!


“People say that it's the big decisions that are important... that these are the type of issues worthy of prolonged consideration. But no one ever explains how it's the little choices that send your life careening in another direction.” -Julie Gittus, Saltwater Moons: So now, Steve Mnuchin tells us that even the poison of government assistance still carries a caveat, that any relief ordained or Executive Ordered has a dangling participle to it, vote for Trump, or all that is given will be taken away. Pouty, moody, an ego starving to be fed as might a farmer provide the sludge and slurry grit to a pig, so once the county fair approaches, HIS animal is the BIGGEST, BEST MOST TREMENDOUS creature, Trump creates and invents enemies who pleasure him not, and befriends those who know how to do the Quid Pro Quo, and HIS ego like the Farmers Pig must win the Ribbon od First Place. Who is considered, well is a considerable concern because if Trump’s re-election IS NOT in CONSIDERATION, fuck you, and little dog too!


“In the world, I lived in, the world of human people, there were ties and debts and consequences and good deeds. That was what bound people to society; maybe that was what constituted society. And I tried to live in my little niche in it the best way I could.” -Charlaine Harris, Dead as a Doornail: To test, or not to test, do understand if you are positive or negative, and then what happens with that knowledge. Send your kids to school, and as they return invite their newest friend named CORONA home with them. Pretend your freedoms are at stake now but forget that you denied permission toward women wanting the rights to their reproductive anatomy, or that peoples jobs, marriage, adoption, and a life of just cool and calm who identify as LGBTQ, never get to enjoy peaceful freedom. And then ignore just living a black person, and the entire 24-hour period of paranoia and problems which arise with the sun, and never quite end at sunset.


We know truth matters, but whose truth do we permit to exist!