Saturday, July 23, 2022

Live and Let Die

 “Pro-Life” Idaho Republicans Declare Women Should Be Left to Die to Save FetusesAbortion is apparently “murder,” but letting pregnant people die is cool (Vanity Fair)…….. A new poll found that 24 percent of men surveyed believe that a woman who gets an abortion should face murder charges. (Newsweek) 

As I zigged and zagged, trying not to bump my head or either injure my gut, while reading the news of the day, my eyes fell upon the seemingly absurd headline by which I have begun my blog: “Pro-Life” Idaho Republicans Declare Women Should Be Left to Die to Save Fetuses

Abortion is apparently “murder,” but letting pregnant people die is cool. (Vanity Fair) My head actually swiveled 360 degrees similar to Regan MacNeil’s in the movie the Exorcist, and upon its first rotation I fixated my eyes once again and read the Headlines and the article, and I swear whatever green-goo projectile vomit flew out of Regan’s mouth, the same almost found its way to my computer keyboard! 


Already feeling as if some Demon had possessed my computer and was using my screen as an entry into my body, I scanned the news only to discover this bit of Holy Shit Info, coming from a wanna-be Republican candidate for lieutenant governor of Minnesota, Matt Birk. “We always hear about, I’m sure you’ve heard—I know I’m talking to a bunch of pro-life warriors here—you know slavery used to be legal, right. Which is an interesting comparison to make, because really the way that the other side treats an unborn child is basically that the unborn child is the property of the mother. Other laws, you know, women used to not be able to vote in our country. Now we let ’em drive. I mean, I have three teenager daughters that drive, I don’t know if that’s a good law or not. Just kidding. Sorry, kidding, kidding to all the women out there. And don’t tell my wife I used that joke, she hates that joke.”


Somehow that fetus in the womb of a female is now government property. If a stranger or family member desires to have his way with this female who by all means must be asking for a good RAPE, sexually penetrates her, LIVE AND LET LIVE!  No longer a mother, the lady is a CARRIER of a seed. Once that seed turns into a flower, IT will belong to some kind of bizarro church that will do NOTHING to educate IT, feed IT, and protect IT. And if IT happens to be a female, IT too can look forward to remaining MEN’S Chattel!