Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 From a U.S. representative literally declaring in a speech that female abortion-rights supporters are too ugly for him to have sex with, to a candidate for lieutenant governor warning that reproductive freedom leads to women having careers, to 195 House Republicans voting against a bill protecting access to birth control, to an elected official blaming mass shootings on women having rights, the Republican Party has made it more than clear how it feels about women. (And young girls, given the conservatives who think it’s fine to force a 10-year-old to give birth to her rapist’s child.) AND NOW A NEW DOUCHEBAG EMERGES GOP Senate Candidate J.D. Vance: If People Love Their Kids, They’ll Stay in Violent Marriages. (Vanity Fair).


If you are a female in the US (50.52% of Americans happen to be) …If you love, like, adore, respect, are married to, engaged to, coupled with, best friends with, or related to 50.52% of the American population. Do YOU still somehow consider the Republican Party a political party with your best interests, freedoms, and liberties in mind, please RE-READ the headlines from Vanity Fair once again! Along with the LGBTQ population, the People of Color population, the Immigrant population, and the non-Evangelical Christians population, it now is BLATANTLY, INTENTIONALLY, AND OBNXOSIOULY CLEAR, that the base of GOP voters, the MAGA who vote for the GOP, the male hierarchy of the GOP, the women who either love to be subordinate, or pretend that their shit don’t stink, or just think that somehow if they wear a SCARLET R on their chests are not included in the fear and loathing by men who when they look themselves in the mirror, instantly feel EMASUCLATED! 


It ain’t NO MORE about the economy, about, inflation, about the price of gasoline and it really never was. There is a VERY CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER originating with the Christian Crusaders of the Republican Party and being enabled by a bunch of Bull Shit artists who pretend, that seeing no evil, hearing no evil, speaking no evil makes them less guilty in the war against WOMEN!