Monday, October 5, 2015

And, again...again

Select any news channel, cable or local listen as more parents are asked how they feel with the 45th massacre of the innocent via one too many guns, and you will think you are experiencing deja vu as each and everyone states we don’t know how this happened. Reporters will ask a myriad of questions about the loved ones deceased or those injured, we will hear wonderful stories about the lives they had lived or about the prayers for a healthy and speedy recovery. Sheriffs will provide details, elected officials will bow their heads and provide snippets of information, the star reporter will have the camera pan on his/her solemn face, we will go to commercial with either some PR banner called Tragedy in…Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook, Fort Hood, Roseburg or Your Town Next accompanied with a bit of classical music usually the deep bass sound of musical notes sad and tearful. Some correspondent will then supply us with the background of the shooter, why and how he got his guns, why and how he hated his parents or his life, why and how we should have know about this murderer because he left direct statements or because someone who knew him in elementary school a thousand years ago knew he was a loner. We will listen as doctors stand in front of microphones with the name of their hospital in full view, expressing the horrendous amount of operations needed to make the victims at least physically whole. Some bureaucrat will be wearing some new colored ribbon on his/her shoulder to show some kind of solidarity with the dead and sternly, but morosely enough, explain that grief counselors will be made available for those individuals who may need to talk. 

As we once again for the 45th time see, hear and experience all of the tragedy of innocent lives ended by a madman with a gun we will begin to hear the harangue and political rhetoric offering different opinions on what to do with gun violence; arguing exactly who is or isn’t a better Patriot, who should or shouldn’t decide gun laws, who has or hasn’t read the Constitution correctly.  Somehow we will hear that Jesus wanted the 2nd Amendment when he wrote the Constitution. We will hear that the Black Muslim as president wants the Black Panthers to rise up again. We will hear that guns don’t kill people. We will hear “stuff happens”. We will NOT hear any compromise, any reasonable attempt, any really Pro-Life people propose answers. We will hear all of this for about 2 weeks, then we will forget that is until the 46th mass shooting and then we will hear it all again!

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