Friday, October 9, 2015


For most educated Americans those who took civics classes and actually read the text, (not the New Testament where in some invisible print it says Jesus was the author of the US Constitution), for this group of Americans they learned that the three most important US government officials are the President, Vice President and Speaker of the House. The Constitution, (again NOT the New Testament), states clearly there is a line of hierarchy should in fact the President or the Vice President be removed from office, due to death, crime or assignation stating that the third most important office to govern this nation be the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Now (until the Supreme Court intervened and ignored our democratic process with Gore V Bush), the President and VP would be sworn into office because of a popular vote (albeit this even gets confusing due to the archaic ruling of having an Electoral College, but the Speaker which skews the one person one vote rule most democracies rely on to survive), BUT the Speaker of the House is elected from within her/his own party members. SO the third person in kine to run this country is not a person of the people, but a puppet of the players in the House of Representatives. 

Our Numero Uno or Dos leaders, are mostly in power because of the citizens of this nation, Numero Tres, is a pandering  puppet to the sometimes ignorant of the US laws, or Constitution, gerrymandered goons owned by billionaires or elected by some people who believe the Earth is flat. In other words the person who by some unimaginable tragedy could become the President is someone who has no responsibility to anyone but the members of his or her political party. And the US supposedly is the major Super Power of the planet! 

Joh Boehner a man who may have tried at first to find bi-partisan consensus tried his best to please the stupid in his party, (but with the dumb unless you are even more stupid then they you are considered not one of them), and Mr Boehner was told by the men and women most who were gerrymandered into office or elected in states where voter ID ensures the minority/non Jesus discovered America don’t vote to hit the road Jack or in his case hit the road John. His replacement a man who places politics before the practical Kevin McCarthy committed a terrible crime against the T-Bagging Republicans and told a truth about the Benghazi/Hilary Clinton which hunt  has been given his walking papers. And now the Speaker of the House Leadership position is open, open to men who believe the President is a Muslim, Gays create flooding/major hurricane and drought/ women have no right to their vagina’s, and/or people are criminals. And we watch as purity questions arise from the inbred T-Bagging Representatives; not of who knows the Constitution, who has an IQ above 90, not who wants compromise or consensus, but purity questions like will you shut down the government, do you agree this nation is a Christian country, and will you vote against, women rights, Gays, the Colored and build that wall to keep out the Mexican rapists. The Speaker of the House is the third in line to govern this nation…not sure about you but this SHIT scares me a WHOLE lot!

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