Friday, February 16, 2018

An Alter Boy

It’s either, “no need for a knee jerk reaction”, or “no need to rush to judgement”, but the Speaker of the House, that good ole’ Catholic former alter boy Paul Ryan, whenever YET one more murderous rampage takes place, by someone using an assault weapon. If he is paid to deny the freedom of democracy by the Koch Brothers, or paid to shoot ‘em up by the NRA, Paul Ryan is the one we can count on to provide no insight to the liberties of the innocent, but lots of bull shit for the puppet masters to whom he is indebted. Pretending that he had to pull himself up by his own boot straps (never mentioning just how much the government helped he and his family to purchase those boots in the first place), he demonstrates a persona of selfishness, self-serving and a smirk so deeply hollow that all most normal people want to do is punch him in his sad ass face.

More innocents have died, maybe the murderers were mentally ill, maybe they were angry, maybe they just hated everyone around them, maybe their past lives sucked, maybe they were just like Paul Ryan, but the THING is, they all had a gun, be it a Glock or any fucking kind of assault weapon. And Mr Ryan under duress from his handlers at the NRA, or the Mercer Family, or the Koch Brothers refuse to admit that GUNS kill, and that laws against using guns to kill are necessary. 

There is a movement, finally to profile all four current lawmakers and just how much money they have received from the NRA to enable murder in this nation. I hope that movement continues and real people take notice and wonder, just who it is they are voting for. You notice too, how quiet the Evangelicals are when there is a gun massacre, (unless its the blacks, you know the thugs, or the brown skin ass hates), how quiet they are about gun control but are loud and proud and angry they become about homosexuals, and abortions. Please people of Wisconsin, let Paul (the alter boy) Ryan understand his hesitation to do the right thing is just as dangerous as permitting the murder of innocents by people who use GUNS!