Saturday, October 24, 2020

545 (not fetuses)

 FIVE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE…545…Orphaned kids, ripped, separated, stolen, kidnapped, removed, taken, you know the brown ones, maybe dark brown, or a combo of African/Hispanic, maybe light brown, no white ones of course…545 lives, in cages, with mylar, under HIS EYE, you know, Trump or Chad Wolf, or Willie Barr, or Mitch McConnell, white guys, all pompous, pre-occupied with keeping Trump in office and out of jail, OR (and here is the kicker), all anxious to have “Of Jesse,” “Of Barrett” assigned to the Supreme Court, because among the many cult-like religious voodoos she believes in, a Fetus is a person, and as a person has more rights and privileges than say, a real kid, locked in a cage, in a warehouse, on cement blocks guarded by people, who most likely never took a background check or could have never passed a background check regarding empathy, sympathy, compassion, sexual perversions, and rage!


Imagine, the PROTEST, the OUTRAGE from the likes of Franklin Graham/Paula White/Betsy DeVos/Rick Wiles/Jim Bakker/Junior Falwell/Pat Robertson/Joseph Alito/Joel Osteen, if the 545 prisoners of the Trump Administration were not yet infants or toddlers or preschoolers but FETUSES! HOLY SHIT! NO LITERALLY, it would be HOLY SHIT shouted from each and every hypocritical religious institution or organization these charlatans represent! Hell Hat No Fury Like That Of A HYPOCRITE, CALLING THEMSELVES A CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN OR EVANGELICAL!


But as I stated earlier, MEH, Five Hundred Forty-Five Non-White Immigrants wasting away in TRUMP CONCENTRATION CAMPS, is nothing to both with Jesus or HIS teachings, nope, Make America White Again, and do what ya’ need to, TO maintain a correct status quo!