Friday, October 23, 2020

Some Sad Music


As Trump entered the stage for the Third…(Opps, My Bad, Second Presidential Debacle, because, the original Second Debacle was canceled due to a spoiled brat hissy fit of sorts initiated by Trump) the acid reflux in my gut started to gurgle as might the eruption of lava from an oncoming volcano, and while I tried to calm my poor esophagus my brain started humming the theme song from the Addams Family TV Show: “They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky,
The Addams Family.” (Addams Family Theme/Vic Mizzy)…as all I could see was the character Lurch (Lurch is a fictional character created by American cartoonist Charles Addams as a manservant to The Addams Family), an emotionless, malfunctioning humanoid, void of most anything except the ability to lurch, almost to the point of actually tipping head over first! Trump in fact a manservant to Putin and now we discover to President Xi of China, and the surprise discovery of a secretive Chinese Bank Account)


And, thinking I might be able to watch at least enough of this DEBACLE, without the use of antacids or a quick trip to the emergency room for endoscopy (the insertion of a long, thin tube directly into the body to observe an internal organ or tissue in detail), once Trump ambled over to his lectern ( and honestly, I am not a fan of this man, but watching him trying to walk the four or five feet from the entrance of the stage toward the lectern, I was holding my breath wondering if he would make it without tipping over, stepping upon his way too long tie, the one he wears to try and hide his protruding belly, and actually hang himself) But he managed to cling onto the tip of the lectern, and if you watched his extra orange face, now all sweaty, you could share with him the astonishment that he ACTUALLY made it, although his breathing was certainly quick and his chest heaved an awful lot…but I am certain having had COVID, was not a hindrance to his lack of lung volume!


But then, the “deer in the headlight” moment vanished and as Trump began to lie (he does not speak, he LIES), my brain stopped humming the Addams Family Theme, and all I could hear inside my head was: “How low can you go, how low can you go, how low can you go, how low can you go
Higher, higher, higher, and higher
Now can you hand-jive, baby, oh can you hand-jive, baby
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, born to hand-jive, oh yeah!” (Born To Hand Jive/Jim Jacobs/Warren Casey) As those Trump Con Artist, hands started to do (The hand jive is a dance particularly associated with the music of the 1950s, rhythm, and blues in particular. It involves a complicated pattern of hand moves and claps at various parts of the body, following and/or imitating the percussion instruments.) It’s an old con, moving your hands around, trying to get people to NOT look at your mouth and hear the words you are saying, a diversion of sorts, because what you are selling is snake oil, and most snake oil salesmen get run out of town! 


And then the first question and for me, the MAIN QUESTION focused on the PANDEMIC/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19, and the lying Commander-Of-Shit, decided that dying was okay, and some cure, would arrive at some corner which never ever has been in anyone’s field of vision, except for Trump, and I heard the lyrics of a very old song “You fooled me, dear, now for a year

My heart you tantalize

But without a doubt, I have found out

The secret in your eyes Your lips tell me no, no

But there's yes, yes in your eyes” (There’s Yes, Yes In Your Eyes/Lestor Santly)


And that corner, that Trump visualizes, the corner right before the one that hopefully will lead him to Prison, is filled with 75,000 new cases of COVID-19 in the US on the same day as this DEBACLE, and that corner, is filled with 223,000 American deaths from Covid-19, and a staggering 8,46 million infected Americans!