Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Three New Things

 A few more what the fuck has happened to this nation! So Facebook has now banned the hashtag Proud Boys, not because it was the White Supremacists who initiated the page, not because the Proud Boys has claimed to be proudly White Supremacists, NOPE, NADA, NONE of THAT…THAT would have made too much sense, and provided the people at FB who somehow thi9nk living in their Ivory Tower makes them understand the ethos of the nation, and or receive plenty of kickback from Conservative Wealthy Donors…the hashtag Proud Boys was suddenly dumped because, the GAY BOYS decided to take ownership and shame the White Nationalists, and call them out. Suddenly being Proud and a Boy meant accepting your own sexuality…and it seems THAT WAS TOO MUCH FOR FACEBOOK to tolerate! If not, then I am really curious as to why, when the LGBTQ community decided they were Proud Boys Facebook censored the #Proud Boys once and for all!


So no more Stimulus Checks, from the Congress, because Trump is waiting to be re-elected and thinks he is going to punish all of us if we do not vote for him. See, America here is the thing, if the Majority of Republicans in the Senate decided that we the people were more of a priority, than kissing Trump's COVID riddled ass, they would override any perceived Presidential Veto. See, America, Congress creates law and then usually passes them…if Congress truly believed that their constituents counted more than the verbal abuse from trump or his bullying, they would unanimously vote yes on a Stimulus Package…The House has done it almost three times already…So, Americans when you go to vote (if that IS still a thing) remember that the Senator from your state is he or she a GOP Goon, just gave you the Middle Finger.


And not last nor least, but for now, the end of THIS rant, who gives a shit if anyone working for Trump gets ill from COVID. Honestly, except for the valets, and housekeeping staff, and of course the Secret Service, and the Military Guards, anyone who still remains working in the COVID Pandemic Epicenter of America the White House, and does not quit or leave or find another rock to crawl back under, who the fuck really cares…we know Trump DOES NOT CARE…so please new people ANNOUNCE all the newly infected White House Staff, because they decided working for a dangerous despot is more important than their lives, and more disgusting the lives of their family members and friends!