Thursday, December 31, 2020

Just saying no, again

 I am in the throes of my love-hate affair with the news because actually there is NOTHING NEW anymore, NOTHING but recycled turd fillings combined with The Turd Makers, who cling to fiction and force it out their anus’s as fact…and honestly even I, have grown tired of hearing the OUTRAGE, from the anchors and entertainers on CABLE…BUT, somehow I cling to the idea, that without knowing what might be worth even more of an OUTRAGE, I continue to permit small doses of inhaling the stench of 2020.


And THUS IT WAS, that I heard Public Enemy Number One, Vladimir Putin’s Number Two Puppet, and the King of the Collective 1% Domestic Donor Class of Terrorists, Pride and Joy of the Lobbyists, and anyone else Free To Bribe Him, Mitch (Make Me Your Bitch Rich People) McConnell, stand at the Senate Podium and say (mind you, he did not implode, nor did a lightning bolt come down from the Heavens and knock the shit out of him) that he in good conscience, could not provide relief for the people of this nation, because, as he sees it, most of the Americans who would receive an extra $2000 stimulus are rich enough, and why to give rich people money! As usual, he referred to it as SOCIALISM!


NOW, I had to stop, look, listen, and then I could feel my heart race, my blood curdle, my gut wrench and my body begin to seize…This pompous, a load of shit, with his offshore accounts, Oligarch funded PAC, his wife’s billionaire, parents Chinese Yuan (currency) flowing in, being paid by the government (socialism at its best as in salary/retirement/health care/ office space/and travel), having accomplished one of worst tax breaks for anyone not in the 1%, preen and act as if HE was saving America! Words and I love them, cannot describe what fucking hypocrite and Enemy of State this man is and has been. So, Mitch has decided to let Americans just remain angst-ridden/hungry, perhaps homeless, and lost, because HIS Money Masters have directed him to JUST SAY NO. 


So I was ready to click the remote to off, when I heard one more story, which was as PATHETIC as this Pile of Shit, McConnell…All of a sudden, we are told, if only Mitch would bring the $2000 Covid Stimulus to the floor of the Senate, there would be actual GOP Senators ready to vote YES. Bull fucking shit…what a bunch of baloney! If these GOP ( I would vote for it if only…) ass hates honestly wanted to, they would have made their voices loud enough to make Mitch do it…but he didn’t and they don’t really want him to!