Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A conscience, perhaps

Several global energy giants announced they’d be exiting their stake from the Russian oil and gas industry in the last 48 hours. In a historic move, BP, Equinor and Shell all proclaimed their departure from the nation over its invasion of Ukraine. “Everyone who has been doing business in Russia or buying Russian gas and oil has contributed to Putin’s war chest,” Fiona Hill, former official at the US National Security Council and foremost expert on Russia told Politico on Monday. “Our investments are not just boosting business profits, or Russia’s sovereign wealth funds and its longer-term development. They now are literally the fuel for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” (VICE)


So now and once again, we watch as the loss of dollars becomes much more of a priority than the loss of lives. So now, as has been the case for way too long, punishing the profits of any regime seemingly provides more of a concern than understanding that flesh and blood, bone, and breath can never rebound once they die! Putin and his Oligarch’s bank accounts must bleed more blood, than the millions of Ukrainians whose lives have ended or will eventually be burned, bombed, or destroyed. 


Global energy giants, feeding the beast, procuring favors for the beast…offshore accounts drowning in dirty money…banking institutions providing secret hiding places for the despot, the dictator…As if none of this mattered in the past, a surge of guilt seems to arise, NOW, and we the average citizen, must wonder what the fuck took so long…and how long will this moment of sudden values and morals last?