Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Today is a Sunday. It is another Sunday, in a year which so far has had 10 Sundays, and with this present Sunday, March 13th, a total of 11 Sundays! I used to know when Sundays were to arrive, either because as a kid it meant going to bed early because UGH, school was the next day…being excited because the day after that particular Sunday was some kind of Monday holiday, so my weekend was extended…or as an adult using Sunday to spend leisure times with my kids, or just getting in as much rest as possible in order to face the next day; and wish and hope the next weekend would arrive already! Predictable indeed, that Sundays would arrive announced or unannounced, with GREAT fanfare because some GREAT event would be awaiting, or without any GREAT pronouncement, because, well Sundays just happen.


On this Sunday, I read, with GREAT consternation (I believe CONSTERNATION is similar to having a form of CONSTIPATION, instead of it forming in the bowel, it locates itself in the mind), that once again, some BAD GUY is warning anyone who IS NOT HE, that unless the rest of us acknowledge that HIS BAD BEHAVIOR is tolerated, some kind of HELL ON EARTH”, will have to be paid. This bad guy, in particular, is Vlad Putin, the puppet master of TRUMP, and apparently way too many other Republicans. It seems we are to accept Putin’s INVASION of Ukraine, Putin’s demonstration of male impotence as he rattles the NUCLEAR BOMB threat, and Putin’s fear of being emasculated as he tries to become the KING of Europe! So it seems, everyone else, who is NOT PUTIN is to ACCEPT PUTIN’S aggression, and REACT instead of ACT!


HUH! I am so tired of REACTING (we have REACTED to the TRUMP Insurrection, the MAGA delusion of pretending that saying Gay makes you Gay, that Transgender is an alien disease, that Democracy is not as American as Apple Pie, that only White People have the right to vote, and not those White Folk living in Urban Centers, that History is an insult to the present, and that Facts have no place in a world where Fiction takes precedent). We are to REACT as Putin invades a sovereign nation, and we are to accept Putin’s plan to NUKE the Earth, we are to behave as GOOD BOYS AND GIRLS and permit EVIL to triumph…OR ELSE…It is indeed Sunday, and I am INDEED tired of watching this THREAT, THREATENING, FIASCO, AND BULLY tell me, us, you what to do and what not to do…isn’t it time America and NATO and the free world to start setting the RULES AND REGULATIONS and demanding the PUTIN’S and TRUMPS of this world behave the way we want!!!!!