Monday, March 14, 2022

one more day

 I will be brief as I BLOG, which for me is difficult as I always am flooded with way too many synapses trying to understand right from wrong, good from bad, silence from loud, and fact from fiction. But as the year 2022 treads onward and outward trying to occupy the winner's pedestal as the worst year of the 21st Century, I have actually become OVERWHELMED, with the misery, machinations, backward momentum, and mechanics that human beings have inflicted upon one another, AS IF ONE ANOTHER HUMAN, MATTERS NOT!


We watch as if tied to a chair with probes inserted into our skin, (INSTRUCTED to not move, OR ELSE) as INSECURE MEN AND WOMEN, declare war, trauma, pain, and suffering on others, just to satisfy their own bruised and disjointed EGOS! We sit there acting shocked as if the next bout of bad behavior is UNEXPECTED as if REACTION is the correct response! We are to ring our hands waiting, watching, awaiting the next round of inhuman hate and loathing. We somehow, as I see it, EXPECT the worse, see it as it actually happens, and they are to become SHOCKED!


If we are SMART, we are somehow drowned out by the DUMB. If we are AWARE we are called WOKE. And all I smell is the lack of ACTION, WHEREWITHAL, INTENT, coalescing with the burning flesh of those whose lives are always endangered! And I am SICKENED and SADDENED!