Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 There are things about life, I know I should understand, but somehow when they raise their ugly heads, I seem completely confused and flummoxed. (I love the word flummoxed, at first when it is pronounced it sounds as if it should be considered a “dirty word,” and then once it is spoken it sounds as if a foreign language has been used, and better yet it has an old-world sound to it as if your grandparents actually did use it before they left the old world to arrive in America).  

So here are a variety of THINGS, I just cannot comprehend, yet am aware somehow they exist!

“Hiding in Plain Sight.” As in where the Russian Oligarchs keep their Penthouses, Yachts, Expensive Cars, Own Property. Now it seems the US Government and the NATO allies are going to go after these rich bastards but are not quite certain how and where to find them! Imagine if you or I had REALLY EXPENSIVE STUFF, and just how quickly the Treasury Department or Attorney General could trace us down and collect!... How, if the rest of the world knows about the Russian Oligarch's wealth, yet this information has not leaked to the poor poverty-ridden Russian citizens!...


How President Biden, has low Polling Numbers because he made a valiant attempt to keep deaths and dying from COVID at a minimum, and by doing so, as in saving lives, parents of school kids are pissed, workers who did not pass on the Virus to their families are pissed!...How the Corporations have made some of the highest profits, and pretend that because of supply and demand they increased their prices, and very few people are pissed at these same corporations for gauging prices!... And BTW, I have never, EVER been polled, asking my opinion of the job President Biden has been doing, so who the fuck have the pollsters been asking? And this also pisses me off!...


And somehow, the Republicans are to be trusted, as if the past four years of Trump, and before that the reign of Moscow Mitch, during the Obama administration is to be ignored. Three Supreme Court Jesters, Voting rights denied, Refusal to hold Trump accountable for Sedition, Treason, Anarchy. And somehow the GOP claim to be Police Loving Politicians, except when those police are Capitol Police. And only when one of the BROODS of Thugs from the Republican Party is actually caught on video spouting Anti-Semitic rhetoric, Racist and Bigoted views, Misogynistic Commentary, are any of the members of Congress appalled. FLUMMOXED I SAY, I AM FLUMMOXED!...