Saturday, May 7, 2022

A New North Korea

 First-of-its-kind Missouri legislation shows that anti-abortion lawmakers in Republican-led states aren’t likely to stop at banning most abortions within their borders but also could try to make it harder to go out of state to end pregnancies… A proposal that could be debated in the Legislature as soon as next week seeks to make it illegal to “aid or abet” abortions outlawed in Missouri, even if they are performed in other states. Like a Texas law passed last year, the bill puts enforcement in the hands of residents, who could file lawsuits against those they believe have violated it. (PBS News Hour) 

The race to the bottom within this nations MAJORITY REPUBLICAN State Legislators, and their wanna-be AUTHROTIARIAN GOVERNORS, swirls and swirls deeper and deeper begging the ugly the bigot, the racist, the homophobic, the misogynistic dredges of planet Earth to erupt like the volcano of Pompeii and destroy ALL! Florida and Texas desire to out Putin, Putin, and now the sick, sad, sorry state of Missouri has decided to replicate NORTH KOREA and limit its citizens to any personal freedoms or liberties the RED MENACE of Republicans so desire!


So, the YOU out there, WHO ARE still not persuaded that Women’s Reproductive Rights, Immigrant Rights, and LGBT Rights are not worth your effort to vote for Democrats, because somehow, the price of gasoline is too expensive, or groceries cost more. YOU, out there who still feel that voting IS NOT worth it because all politicians are the same. YOU out there, who think Critical Race Theory, or Don’t Say Gay is certainly not as bad as THOSE groups make it to be. HMMM, what happens when YOU no longer can vote, because, well YOU are no longer one of THEM!





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