Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Hocus Pocus

 Republicans scramble to pretend they care about women and children. Here’s the reality: Where Republicans are in charge, maternal health is worse, infant mortality is higher, and families are more likely to lack access to health care and live in all kinds of precarity. It’s enough to make you think they aren’t as “pro-family” as they’ve been saying all these years. (Washington Post/Opinion). 

A good Magician will demonstrate a “right before your very eyes”, ensemble of MAGIC, from sleight of hand to a sawing a person in half routine! One might actually consider all of that REAL, but to be duped is EXACTLY what most Magicians wish, so they can continue to earn their living, all the while the audience has no idea that the magic is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Put the lights on blow away the fog, look behind that mysterious cloth, and wham bam thank you ma’am you get some shrewd hocus pocus, trap doors, hidden wires!


Let me be clear, it ain’t just the Bible tottin’ Conservative Supreme Hypocrites that hate women it is also a by-product of the conniving, and creepy hocus pocus originating from the Hell Hole where Mitch McConnell’s heart was supposed to reside, but somehow along the way just vanished. The Senate can establish an Amendment to the Constitution, they can vote for or against it, and by doing so, THEY will be on record as to considering WOMEN as either CHATTEL or EQUALS!