Friday, May 20, 2022



Light the corners of my mind

Misty watercolor memories

Of the way we were…” (‘The Way We Were’/Marilyn Bergman)       


“BUT HER EMAILS”, and the ever-popular “BUT BENGHAZI, BENGHAZI!” Ahhhhh, YES, back in the recent days, 2015, a cacophony of a Politically motivated Witch Hunt initiated by the GOP ANTI DEMOCRACY CONGRESS, pretending that the real ENEMY OF THE STATE was HILLARY. Hacks like Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz, Mike Pompeo Kevin McCarthy, and Jimmy Jordan, sat on a Select Committee to burn Hillary at the stake. Such DEPLORABLES, such LOW LIFE, such a conglomeration of CON ARTISTS and LIARS. (Two of them, GOWDY AND CHAFFETZ became FOX Entertainers, POMPEO was actually Secretary of State,( or maybe it was his wife, word had it she was the boss) McCarthy decided to chastise Trump, then like most RE-PUNGENT-CANS, demurred and picked up Trumps Turds, and JIMMY JORDAN decide to look the other way at the OHIO WRESTLING TEAM SHOWERS.  


Well, word has it, by the Washington Post, that HER EMAILS are once again surfacing, but this time, it AIN’T HILLARY, it is indeed GINNI, (let the COUP BEGIN) Thomas. Seems Mrs. Clarence Thomas was busy aiding and abetting a serious group of TREASON MINDED TRAITORS promoting an ANTI DEMOCRACY SEDITIOUS attempt to overthrow a fair and honest Presidential American Election! ………… Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, the conservative activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, pressed Arizona lawmakers after the 2020 election to set aside Joe Biden’s popular-vote victory and choose “a clean slate of Electors,” according to emails obtained by The Washington Post. The emails, sent by Ginni Thomas to a pair of lawmakers on Nov. 9, 2020 , argued that legislators needed to intervene because the vote had been marred by fraud. Though she did not mention either candidate by name, the context was clear. (Washington Post)


As just an AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZEN, but one who believes that TYRANNY IS DANGEROUS would like to know, what CONGRESS will do about HER, EMAILS…YOU KNOW AS IN GINNI!