Monday, May 23, 2022


 The newest HUE AND CRY, erupting from the mouths of the TRUMP CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS, almost as intense as projectile vomit, IS "resisting the great replacement," a racist philosophy espoused by white nationalists. Be alert, be afraid, beware, because, this time, the idea of the OTHER, has been embraced not only by the insecure, inept, and ignorant but has been adopted as a slogan by way too many candidates running for office as REPUBLICANS, are using almost as a sign of PURITY.

Once upon a time the hate for the Immigrant, the Jew, the Gay, and the Black, was hidden under the white sheets and hoods of the KKK. Now, almost in concert with the rise of TRUMP and his MAGA minions, the invisibility of RACISM and the PHOBIAS of ANTI-SEMETISM-XENOPHOBIA-HOMOPHOBIA, are no longer the stuff we find when we turn over a large rock, but fermenting on the buses, the stages, the home pages, the banners of POLITICIANS who have decided that there is a WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICA and NOT AN AMERICA for anyone else!


RESISTING THE GREAT REPLACEMENT. Look closely at the majority of Republican Primaries held so far, then look closer at the majority of candidates who have won their Party’s nomination, and then home in on the one major concept they have promised and espoused. EXCLUSION, SEPARATE but not equal, US vs THEM. I am terrified!