Monday, May 9, 2022

Make It Happen

 ‘If rape is inevitable, you should lie back and enjoy it’: The man whose daughter told us not to vote for him. ‘Do not vote for my dad,’ Stephanie Regan wrote in a tweet in 2020, two years before her father used a disgusting rape analogy on a Zoom call. Her father claimed she’d been ‘brainwashed’ by her college education. BUT FINALLY: Michigan’s 74th House District isn’t supposed to go blue, but thanks to an upstart campaign by Democrat Carol Glanville the state’s legislature will be a little less lopsided — at least for the next few months. (Rolling Stone) 

HEY Americans, those of us who understand Freedom/Liberty/ Equality, FIGHT BACK and vote out the Men and Women, who have disregarded OUR RIGHTS, clinging instead to the Right-Wing Haters, who fund their own Political futures. It REALLY is possible to make the NECESSARY CHANGE, to OUR government, despite the Republican effort to turn this nation into a FASCIST HELL! Read about the Democrat who fought back, acted up, and acted out, challenging a very deranged man and father, who like too many other Right-Wing Wanna be Gods, actually praised the entire IMMORAL act of RAPE.


Vote like your ability to LIVE FREE and without FEAR, was decided by your DECISION to vote for DEMOCRATS who believe in OUR DEMOCRACY!