Thursday, July 6, 2023

DOTH protest, too much

 Over the weekend, Ron DeSantis’s rapid response team shared a video railing against twice-impeached and twice-indicted former President Donald Trump for previous expressions of support for the LGBTQ community, proudly contrasting it with DeSantis’s outward crusade against America’s LGBTQ population. (MSNBC)


Buttigieg on DeSantis video: I'm going to leave aside the strangeness of trying to prove your manhood by putting up a video that splices images of you in between oiled up shirtless body builders. (Pete Buttigieg Tweet.)


UH-HUH. Ronnie De Satan is consumed with anything, and everything GAY, as in, “if, you say it long enough, and loud enough, you pretend that you are NOT actually enjoying either watching it or BEING IT.” One has to wonder, NO, I MUST wonder, “How come, Ronnie De Satan, is soooooo into GAY MEN and what he believes we do? And if you watch the DeSantis ad video, MS DeSantis loves to compare himself to way too many scantily clad Gladiators, and for goes measure throws in a muscled Christian bale, from the movie American Psycho, whose character was so masculine he was a serial killer to prove his own masculinity. (Think about that one!)


Ronnie De Satan is just like Adolph Hitler, who was also very afraid of the Gays (A psychological project, I wonder). I suppose Ms. DeSantis imagines if he destroys the GAYS, he will be cured, himself!  And, YES folks, anyone of you who, still thinks that Ronnie is DA-Man, maybe you should look in the mirror and find the exit from your own CLOSET!


A line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks,” certainly fits MS De Satan!