Thursday, July 27, 2023


 Hey BOEBERT, here is what is truly DISGUSTING, Boebert’s husband did jail time for "lewd exposure" in a bowling alley. She was there.

Couple were 86'd from Colorado bowling alley in 2004 after Jayson Boebert exposed himself to two young women. Jayson Boebert told Coombs and another young woman, identified as Trisha Walies, that he had a tattoo on his penis. (Salon) The divorce petition, claiming the Boeberts’ marriage is “irretrievable broken,” was filed on April 25, 2023, in Mesa County court, according to documents reviewed Tuesday by The Colorado Sun. (The Colorado Sun)


Hey BOEBERT, here is what is truly DISGUSTING, it took you almost 20 years to divorce a man who was the father of your children, who was grooming a whole bunch of girls to love an older man’s penis, and who most likely had been a role model for your boys.  HMMMMMM, BOEBERT!


Hey MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE, here is what is truly DISGUSTING, In February, revelations emerged that Greene allegedly cheated on her husband with a polyamorous tantric sex guru named Craig Ivey. The torrid antics occurred more than a decade ago. More concerning for the family values arm of the GOP is the fact that Greene “openly cheated on her husband with men at her gym”. (Toronto Sun)


Hey MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE, here is what is truly DISGUSTING, you seem to be grooming other young girls into thinking that adultery is both a cool thing to do and that heterosexual marriage, is just so passe.  Cheating, on your husband with a plethora of other men, is somehow okay, I guess, because they are straight.


Hey, MATT GAETZ, here is what is truly DISGUSTING, Witness Can Confirm Matt Gaetz Was Told He Had Sex With a Minor. The Daily Beast said it obtained three versions of a confession letter that Greenberg apparently wrote last year in an effort to secure a pardon from President Donald Trump. In the handwritten letter, Greenberg allegedly revealed that both he and Gaetz (R-Fla.) were “involved in sexual activities” with a girl who was 17 at the time. (Daily Beast)


Hey, MATT GAETZ, here is what is truly DISGUSTING, talk about grooming, will ya’ you and your buddy Joel Greenberg, were busy lusting after and seemingly choosing underage girls to have sex with, something sinister about that dude! 


Let’s start talking about who the real GROOMERS ARE AND HAVE BEEN!