Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Tuesday called special counsel Jack Smith a “weak little bitch” for prosecuting former President Donald Trump. (HuffPost).

It “ain’t” surprising, that Margie-Putin-Greene is a trashy individual. I suppose, sadly that it WAS and IS her trashiness, that actually tor her elected from Georgia's 14th congressional district, because why else would anyone consider her anything much more than TRASH unless they themselves are trash! So, one might suppose it takes trashy people to elevate one of the trashiest people as their Representative.


Maybe once upon a time the House of Representatives actually tried to behave as Professional and Intelligent people, but along the way, they faltered and stopped trying to be anything but a personified version of local trash. I often ponder the question, could many of the Congress People actually take the same test we demand new citizens to this nation, and could or would the majority of elected officials actually pass it!


But I digress in my loathing towards Margie-Putin-Greene, who also went out of her TRASHINESS and provided REVENGE PORN VIDEO, staring Hunter Biden. Margie probably does not know the meaning of UNABASHED, but she unabashedly and with great glee provided HUNTER BIDEN PORN. I betcha, she felt she was a “GOTCHA” kind of girl! But here is the kicker for me, and I wish for those who still somehow think that Republicans are worth voting for, NOT A SINGLE REPUBLICAN IN THE HOUSE, has called out Margie-Putin-Greene for her repulsive actions. As I see it, it makes them just as trashy as she!