Saturday, March 9, 2024


 Welcome to “KATIE’S KITCHEN,” a Republican-produced and scripted reality show or was it another usual Republican “shit show?”

It is a showcase of how women should be viewed, how they should pretend to actually have emotions, and how they are only great by being white moms, with binary children, keeping the house clean, not living in poverty, and ALWAYS identifying “THE OTHER,” as BOOGYMAN! 


“KATIE’S KITCHEN,” starring the supposed rising star of the TRUMP/FASCIST/GOP PARTY, Senator Katie Britt, from one of the most backward states regarding Women’s Rights/Health Care/Education and Voting Rights and of course those nasty LGBTQ’s. “KATIES KITCHEN,” sponsored by a Republican, Alabama Governor, a Christian Nationalistic Supreme Court using their preferred Bible as the Constitution, and a State Legislature, trying to keep gerrymandering ONLY WHITE DISTRICTS. (I suppose if they can’t have “WHITE’S ONLY WATER FOUNTAINS”, or “WHITE’S ONLY RESTROOMS,” then the only way they can defend their bigotry and bias and racism is to have “WHITE’S ONLY VOTING DISTRICTS”!


“KATIE’S KITCHEN is the newest iteration of Republican Talking Heads' own version of the Twilight Zone, a place where your most frightening nightmares are not monsters under your bed, but Politicians in your bedroom. A place where your Kitchen Table can only seat Evangelical Christians, and a place where Misogyny/Homophobia/Xenophobia are mandatory requirements to be a true Patriot of the Confederacy. It is a place where the intended goal is for “THE SOUTH TO RISE AGAIN!


Now “KATIE KITCHEN,” is the latest iteration of “LITTLE MARCO SPILLING WATER ALL OVER HIMSELF,” and HUCKABEE’S LIES, MORE LIES, AND GREATEST LIES,” all from Republican responses to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union. “KATIE’S KITCHEN”, was filmed in color, but believe it was ALL WHITE!