Friday, March 8, 2024


 Wearing her, “I am the stupid, they are with,” T-shirt decked out in the Fascist colors of MAGA Red, swearing her allegiance to an accused Rapist, MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE, managed once again to be the Cheerleading Clown, for one of the most vile creatures spawned, TRUMP! Surrounded by her cadre of Flying Monkeys, minus backbones, balls, guts, and spines, more fearful that their treasonous leader might delete them from his most favored fools list, they too wore T-shirts explaining that they, INDEED were with stupid, MARGIE-PUTIN-GREENE.

A shit show is exactly what MARGIE loves to present to the world. Demonstrating just how classless, clueless, and constipated she always seems to be, MARGIE pretends to actually care about anyone but herself. She is the freak show of the circus, she is the turd falling from the animals in the circus, she is the trash and litter lying on the floor when the circus is over. BUT then again she is enamored with TRUMP, and to do so is just admitting that morals, values, standards, and conscience are of no importance.


YEAH, MARGIE, you got our attention. YEAH, MARGIE, we watched as you played the fool, and YEAH MARGIE, you did not let us down acting as the most pathetic peon in America!