Sunday, October 13, 2024

It takes more

 It just AIN’T Trump. Of course, Trump is the anal opening of the Elephant; beware of the shit he expels, but watch out for the brains and tusks of that elephant; their bite and their aims are much more precise and deadly.


Take Steve Bannon; he espouses some weird, distorted concept of Popularism, a kind of country reminiscent of the “Wild West days,” where power was having the quickest hand on your rifle and bullying anyone you figured did not deserve to share your land. Steve Bannon Has Called His “Army” to Do Battle—No Matter Who Wins in November Bannon, a self-declared general of global populists, wants to break the world order. And he’s tapped into something much bigger than Trumpism. He unabashedly brags about the philosophies of such autocrats as Viktor Orbán, Vladimir Putin, and the ex-autocrat from Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro barred from running for office for 8 years and Nigel Farage, the right of right-wing Britain, who promoted Brexit.


“Traditionalists aspire to be everything modernity is not,” Teitelbaum wrote. “To commune with what they believe are timeless, transcendent truths and lifestyles rather than to pursue ‘progress.’ ” (Vanity Fair). Traditionalists believe that the natural order of things meant men ruled over women, and whites and Aryans were above blacks, Jewish, and Arab people.  In other words, Racism, Bigotry, and Hate of the other are natural and are necessary for those who are not Black, Jewish, Arab, and Women to be truly free!


Steve Bannon is in jail for a four-month sentence on contempt charges for defying a subpoena in the congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol attack. Also, Bannon faced a federal case that began in August when New York federal prosecutors charged him and three others with defrauding donors of more than a million dollars as part of a fundraising campaign purportedly aimed at supporting Trump’s border wall. But TRUMP, of course, found nothing illegal about that and pardoned him.


A con, a thief, a criminal, a self-serving prick, an enemy of “fair and equal,’ Steve Bannon pretends he is a Populist, your all-American bud…Bannon is a part of the TRUMP Cabal of enemies of the state, all of whom are keeping TRUMP on life support.