Saturday, October 12, 2024

Weekend at Bernie's

 It tells the story of two young insurance corporation employees who discover that their boss Bernie is dead after arriving at his house in The Hamptons. Two young men are trying to make their way in a corporation. One on charm, the other on hard work. When they go to President Bernie with a serious financial error on a printout, he is thrilled and invites them to his beach house for the weekend. But when Bernie is killed, the boys end up having to pretend Bernie is still alive. as the frustrated hit-man tries time and time again to complete the job. (‘Weekend at Bernies’/written by Robert Klane)


“And, it’s so simple, I mean, you know. This isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land,” Trump said. “Or, he gets the … engines back—that was the first I realized, I said, ‘Who the hell did that?’ I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming—cylinders, no wings, no nothing—and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace, with a circle, boom!” (The New Republic)


“They got these big, ugly suckers hanging down. They’re rusting and rotting,” Trump said. “Half of them weren’t spinning, and the ones that were were going so slow. They were going, it’s not too windy, but y’know, they’re going like slow. The other ones were just dead. But they’re all rusting and disgusting looking.” (HuffPost)


Trump then appeared to lose his train of thought as he complained about Democrats opposing the SAVE Act, a longshot Republican bill that would require proof of citizenship to vote in a presidential election—something that is already mandated by the federal government. (The New Republic)


Fiction becomes fact. Compare the efforts and energies used by the Trump Republican First Lieutenants to try and keep the façade of Trump being in perfect cognitive condition alive and well. Day after day, the GOP Fascists come up with one more excuse denying a very telling decline in Trump's mental facilities. TRUMP is no longer the ventriloquist but more so the DUMMY, as he demonstrates not the art of the deal but the art of talking out of his own ass. In the movie, ‘Weekend at Bernie's,’ Bernie is a convenient prop for two wannabes to gain power. In the year 2024, the same ploy is used to keep TRUMP around, as to keep the possibilities alive for way too many self-serving ENEMIES OF THE STATE!