Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Drill baby

Hey boys and girls, today show is called the Rex Tillerson Pretend Hour, hosted by Senator Bob Corker from the red state of Tennessee where Gerrymanderd Districts, Voter Restriction (particularly voters of any color but white), and Polling Stations erroneously disappear right before your eyes. Senator Corker had on his happy clown face as he looked into the camera and said the following: The Secretary of State position is very important, but lets try and get all of our questions asked before 6:00 tonight because we don’t want to have to ASK more questions on Thursday. Let’s have an applause sign for that!

Some Republicans put on their dubiously skeptical faces, (many rehearsed them in the mirror before entering the Senate Chambers), but most Republicans agreed when, perhaps by mistake, or maybe just some great foreshadowing Senator Corker also hinted that he was sure Rex Tillerson would A-OK and beco0me the least knowledgeable Secretary of State ever, (but then he is a Trump appointee). Some Dems asked hard driven questions but the laughter, the smiles, the gentlemen behaving as gentlemen do demeanor prevailed and no on was injured.

If I could ask a few questions of Mr Rex Tillerson: Have you purchased a planet or a space shuttle to transport your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to space when Global Warming fucks up life on this planet. Will you use the profit from the Russian reserves in the Arctic to pay for your family’s space shuttle? Have you discovered something other then clean air for humans to breathe? Do you know any poor people. (that last question was for Megyn McCain who believes that only the liberal are elite, and of course Hollywood types). Not worried folks that the man who has, for decades lied about scientific research regarding g Climate Change and whose love for oil is the only thing that keeps him alive may…I misspoke, will become the next Secretary of State!