Friday, January 27, 2017


…Thus the Nazis, to their amazement, were met with showers of bullets and hand grenades. Two armored vehicles were set on fire with petrol bombs, and many German soldiers were killed. Fierce fighting—between a band of starving young Jews with no military training, only a small cache of homemade or smuggled-in weapons, but absolutely nothing to lose, and the enormous might of the SS army—lasted for ten days, at which point the ghetto fighters retreated into secret bunkers and the sewer system. Eventually, a month after the battle began, the entire ghetto was razed to the ground, but a few survivors, including Marek Edelman, escaped through the sewers and were spirited away by Gentile collaborators. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Perhaps, the historians tell us, if the resistance had begun, in earnest, to fight back sooner, a mood, an atmosphere, a motivation that the Jews were not victims but an aggressor, the Nazi’s might have had to rethink their extermination plans, and perhaps the US would have intervened sooner. All speculation and depending on who you ask, quite a few different answers. But, the one thing most scholars have in common is the fact, that a population was lulled lured like lemmings to not imagine the unimaginable availing the Nazi’s to get away with murder in broad daylight. How could this happen, too many said, while others stated it is too bizarre for this to come fruition, wait, lets see what will happen or a bigger joke, I am sure level headed minds will take over!

Come on, say the Trump supporters, HE doesn’t mean every thing HE said during the Campaign. Come on say the spineless Dems, we don’t want to be seen as obstructionists. Come on say Republican voters not all Republicans are like Trump. Come on, how bad can it get Come on just follow orders, no need to ask why, just comply! Do we NEVER, EVER as a species LEARN lessons from history. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was a valiant attempt to fight back, but too too late, so why are we as Americans delaying?