Thursday, January 5, 2017

Is and Was

Rumor has it that Trump is nominating Julian Assange as CIA Director, no he’s not, too hard to believe…but you voted for Trump and believed he would drain the swamp/build that wall/keep medicare and medi-cade in place/ and be the bestus of friends with the ladies…You voted for Trump, well because he wasn’t Hillary, right, cause you knew everything FOX News/the Russians/and Jarod Kushner’s little bevy of dirty rags printed…yet never saw tax returns/a mental and physical health record/and of course all of the business conflicts…remember when Trump told us there is such a thing as clean coal…you miners, the ones with every imaginable lung disease, you liked that promise…but it seems it ain’t so… and soon there will not be any of that Kenyan’s Affordable Health Care…you know the socialistic medical plan keeping you alive and out of debt… that is once Alter Boy-and Comrade in training Paul Ryan, repeals but won’t replace. Global warming a liberal ploy indeed…

And you the DNC…PA-LEEZE, stop asking me for money just to pay for the professionals who have NOT done one thing to keep them in any form of power. And you Minority Senate Leader Schumer, when will you remove that sign placed on your back by Comrade McConnell, that says a sucker is born every minute, and the one tattooed which reads,Kick Me? Stop pontificating on the cable News or the Ellen Show and become just as sleazy as Comrade McConnell. Hey Dems you want leadership let Bernie or Elizabeth take over…My own bluest of the blue state senators Diane Feinstein, where the hell has your voice of protest been? Why do you always remain so silent…maybe you too are just part of the ‘Ole Boys Club of JUST being in the Senate for way too long. Diane, you and Johnny Boy and Little Lindsey are perfect poster children for WE NEED TERM LIMITS NOW!

And out beloved Corporate owned Media…you guys and gals are embarrassing. MSNBC who the fuck is going on with NO Reprimand for Joe and Mika, you hire a republican operative and the daughter of someone once famous…ya get baloney…And NBC, OMG, you got Megyn Kelly…so what…you want to be cool, have Megyn apologize for being a Racist/and Homophobe, or let her state she is still both, so there…And CNN learn some kind of Journalistic professional reporting or just call yourself the Children’s Not News Network. So you voted for Trump, and now you feel just as stupid a he always is and ever was.