Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Of course

Of course I despise Trump and his despots of criminals who gather around his cauldron of hypocrisy, lies and anarchy. Of course I loathe the current crop of Republicans who place party before nation, who pretend that as they shit all over this country they are more like Johnny Apple Seed dropping nutritious nuggets instead of their foul odored, mastered bullshit, undermining of democratic principles piles of turd. Of course anyone except those who believe the Earth is flat, the Sun rotates around the Earth, Noah had an extra tall Arc for the dinosaurs, and of course Creationism is real but science a hoax, knew that when Putin and his buds hacked anything Hillary and DNC, they also got their grubby little hands on the terribleness of Trump and the ridiculousness of the Republicans. Of course Comrade McConnell knew and let his henchmen in the Republican House and Senate learn, as they all suddenly became loyalists to the most ignorant, sinister, narcissistic, and dangerous person to run for president. I AM FUCKING ANGRY, because ALL of this secretive political backhanded, payoff affects me, those I love and the future of this nation. Of course I, WE all deserve to know what the Russians have!

We all should demand as a nation to know every nuance, every item, every audio, video, meeting, memo, promise and promiscuity the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the Israeli’s and even the Canadians might have on current politicians and this who wish to to become professional politicians. I want to stop the BULLSHIT of NOT learning about the taxes, the health records both mental and physical, the business partners, the associations of people running for any office, let alone the federal Government. If any country, any entity could have some juicy blackmail material, as a citizen still trying to protect DEMOCRACY, I want to know about it. You want to keep keep the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS ALIVE, then pass one law that states clearly, before you run for office or are in office the citizens know ALL about you.

Of course it is not just the Republicans who have lied, conned, stolen, and acted in a tyrannical method, but right now we have a man who may assume the responsibilities of life or death, torture or pain, happiness or none at all and he has been compromised. OF COURSE all of us should know why. We should demand we get all of this documentation, none of it is classified information, not when it is about the president of the USA. Of course anyone but those who watch FOX News, listen to Conservative radio, read Breibart, or hated the president because he happened to be a black man, a very smart black man will care, but I do and thanks to people like me we might just save them from their miserable lives.