Monday, January 30, 2017

Not funny!

It might be funny, ha-ha funny, if the irony of the truth was not so dangerous. Trump, when asked about his travel ban regarding Muslims, looked into the camera (apparently there must have a been a commercial on TV before the cartoon show returned), and Trump’s response was, the ban …”Is to keep the bad dudes out of the country…” THE BAD DUDES, Trump, are already in the country, their names include, Bannon, McConnell, Ryan, Conway, Kushner and of course Trump. Three of the BAD DUDES, actually occupy the White House, and the two others hide in the recesses of the Capital. Perhaps your BAN should be more inclusive…

Speaking of Kushner, and not being funny but rather pathetic; it seems Jared’s own grandmother, and criminally convicted father seemed perturbed regarding the BAN to BAN BAD DUDES. It seems Jared’s great grandparent’s Jewish family were abducted, denied their rights and freedoms and died in a Concentration Camp. Hmmm, let me understand this correctly, Trump refuses to mention the words Jews or anti-Semitism on the anniversary of the Holocaust Remembrance because maybe Steve Bannon suggested that doing so, would piss off the White Sheets and Brown Shirts that support Trump…BUT Jared the Jewish son-in-law and husband of the converted Ivanka, remains silent, NOT insisting to his father-in-law, DUDE, your grandkids are Jewish, my ancestors were Jewish before they were murdered for JUST being Jewish! But then maybe Jared was too busy scheming for more business deals or helping his Jewish wife open up another factory in Ethiopia!

And this IS the new normal!