Sunday, September 26, 2021


 It was a good kind of week for me when it came to memories and remembrances. Weird that in about seven days’ time, I reintroduced myself to some friends I had known some TWENTY YEARS ago, a cousin who I used to hang out with at family functions perhaps some FIFTY-FIVE YEARS ago. Some of the now adults, who were teens when I directed a series of musical comedies perhaps FIFTY YEARS ago. New friends now a DECADE in knowing. I am friends with people on Facebook with whom I even went to elementary school, and that was to SIXTY-FIVE YEARS ago. 


And then low and behold, yesterday was National Daughter Day, and as I rummaged through my millions of photos, recalling almost every phase in my life from my Bris to my Bar Mitzvah, from the Birth of my kids which equated to almost SEVENTY-ONE YEARS. And as I culled through the photos summarizing all of the milestones which have permitted my kids to find footing in their FOURTH DECADE; I suddenly realized WOW, WE ARE ALIVE AND WE THRIVE.


And then I turned my attention to the PATHETIC PEONS who somehow have placed their POLITICAL CAREERS as a PRIORITY over the lives and welfare of people I bet they consider to be MERE PEASANTS. OR the RELIGIOUS SNAKE OIL SALES-MEN AND WOMEN, who have whored out Jesus acting as HIS PIMPS, explaining that somehow SCIENCE, FACTS, AND MEDICINE are SINFUL! I read about Morgues in Idaho running out of space, Hospitals in Mississippi denying any kind of care because all rooms and hallways are full. I read about cases of COVID in Florida, skyrocketing, rural communities in Texas, left to fend for themselves. And I became sad…(in spite of knowing that many who have died or will die, had gladly brought that on themselves)…BECAUSE here I was, my Family is, my Friends, are alive BELIEVING that SCIENCE, FACTS, AND MEDICINE helped save our lives! remember and embrace the past and face the future...