Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Imagine Again



I do. Imagine if there was a law passed that stated there is no Corporate money permitted to purchase politicians, and rather that all politicians receive the same amount of cash, paid for by taxes. Imagine if we actually could make gerrymandered districts illegal, and have each state, create districts based on natural boundaries rather than the artificial ones state legislators have drawn. Imagine if we had term limits for all members of the Federal and State Legislatures,  we would be able to create term limits for the office of the presidency so why not for the entire slew of politics. Imagine, if The Supreme Court Justices did not have a life appointment, but lessened that to a decade or two, knowing that culture and civics change, and any long-term judge, may not change. Imagine if Supreme Court Justices, had an ethics and honor code, the same ethics codes that all other judges must adhere to. Imagine if anyone running for any government position first had to qualify by at least passing an 8th Grade Civics Exam or taking the same test people applying for citizenship must pass. Imagine if everyone running for office had to show the public their returns.




I do. Imagine how those politicians who never have any competition from the opposite party because of their gerrymandered districts might have to appeal to their entire electoral base. Imagine how gun laws could be passed because no more buying and selling of politicians with huge donations would take place. Imagine how, those stodgy long-term politicians might have to actually do the work for the people, rather than linger in office and just rely on their longevity. Imagine, Supreme Court Justices who are not considered Royals, creating laws for everyone but themselves. Imagine how facts, history, truth, and justice would be served, if politicians were held accountable to fulfill their job descriptions of and by the people. Imagine how we the people would have a better idea of just where the wealth from politicians came from, and to whom these politicians seem beholden.


Imagine. I do. Regaining control of OUR Government!