Wednesday, November 2, 2022


 As I was driving, towards Provincetown, I made the mistake and played the CNN channel on my radio. I have promised myself 10 minutes in the morning to read the news, and try and go on with my day, hoping throughout my day, the various and sundry daily experiences might take hold of my conscience, and the mostly bad news of this nation and the world will be relegated to the inner sanctum of my gut. But, because, I believe, ignoring the news, is not always the best medicine, I listened as one of the CNN talking heads, informed me that INDEPENDENT VOTERS, are frustrated with President Biden, and polls show they will vote Republican!


To no one but the emptiness of my car, and to the bodiless voice emanating from the CNN studios, I SCREAMED, what the fuck, holy fuck, and added a fuck you for good measure. How I maintained my hands on the steering wheel, and foot on the gas pedal, I am not quite certain, but I do know that somehow my head must have recoiled like that of one of those crash dummies, back and forth, as my sunglasses flew onto my dashboard. I did pull over to the side of the road, for safety's sake, but mainly so I could actually exit my car, kick the dirt, and shout to the HEAVENS, WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!


I do not believe in polls, and I have never been selected to be polled. But, even if CNN is trying to make its own headlines (which for me is why I often do not watch any news but read about it instead), the mere idea that anyone with a soul, conscience, empathy, and intelligence, could, would, should intend or already has voted for any GOP candidate, hurts my gut the same as, if I had just decided that the left-over Mexican food, from a week ago, with green mold, thinking it might be delicious.


COVID Vaccines, Government responsibility for, keeping you and your family from dying, Female Reproductive Rights, Democracy, LGBTQ Rights, Voting Rights, saying the words Climate Change, Inflation Reduction, Infrastructure, Social Security, calling the January 6th a Coup, explaining that there are4 not good people on both sides, all Biden's priorities.  Yet somehow, according to the folks at CNN, INDEPENDENTS are disappointed in President Biden. SERIOUSLY! (Oh, by the way, I got back into the car and for the remainder of the trip listened to 60’s Gold!