Saturday, November 5, 2022

WHO will be next

 Florida doctors can no longer provide gender-affirming treatments for transgender minors. Doctors will no longer be allowed to provide treatments such as puberty-blocking medications, hormone therapy and surgery to transgender people younger than 18, under rules approved Friday by the Florida Board of Medicine and the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine. (Miami Herald) 

Imagine. A GOP majority in Congress voted into office in November and sworn into office in January. Imagine. The government and politicians, whose oath to the Christian Bible has now become the official Book of Laws by which they swear their allegiance. Not just any Bible, like the Tanakh/Talmud (Judaism), the Quran/Hadiths (Muslim), The Vedas/Upanishads, (Hinduism) The Tipitaka (Buddhism), The Dao De Jing (Taoism), The Seven Valleys/The Four Valleys (Baha’i), The Agamas (Jainism), Guru Granth Sahib (Sikhism), The Constitution, the Book of Laws established to make certain there was or will be a national religion.


So you really could give a shit about those Transgendered Kids. Not your problem you say. Just like Rape and Incest, nothing to do with you personally must be bad families and maybe even loser women. Let a bunch of Christian Nationalists be the Morality Police, just like in Iran. Let the Government decide the kind of lifestyle you will live. You demand lower prices, NOW, and once your wallet is put back into financial shape, you will worry about FREEDOMS!


It NEVER just stops with someone else’s human rights being denied as if the OTHER is not you. Nope, read some history books, whether or not they offend you. Discover the insatiable appetite for HATE and LOATHING, causing the BULLY to devour all that HE or SHE considers THEIR enemy!