Wednesday, November 16, 2022

States Wrongs


The Senate on Wednesday advanced the Respect for Marriage Act, which would enshrine marriage equality into federal law, clearing the way for the bill’s final passage in the chamber this week. “As you can see, the bill is really very narrow,” the Ohio Republican, Portman said. “It’s constitutional and it does not infringe on state sovereignty.”


I will of course await the final vote, from the Senate and once again from the House before I celebrate a law to protect my marriage, and the current and future marriages of millions, both same-sex, as well as interracial. This is a step forward from which I am happy. But please read this quote from Senator Portman, and please wonder, …“It’s constitutional and it does not infringe on state sovereignty.”… 


State sovereignty! As in WTF! As in, if a state decides that Gay is bad, and Transgender is bad, and Abortion is bad, and Immigrants are bad, it is in their purview to deny civil and equal rights? As in, if a state believes that Misogyny is good, Anti-Semitism is good, and Racism is good, it is their purview to deny liberty and justice to those demographics?


The U.S. Constitution declares that federal law is “the supreme law of the land.” As a result, when a federal law conflicts with a state or local law, the federal law will supersede the other law or laws. BUT, somehow NOW, that there are many, many states with a large Majority or Republicans in control (many due to Gerrymandering), somehow, Federal Law is not considered a priority. Please remember the Southern States wanted the right to keep SLAVES!