Thursday, May 16, 2024

Being a billionaire

Inside the effort by two Beverly Hills billionaires (Stewart and Lynda Resnick) to kill a state law protecting farmworkers. 

The billionaire owners of Wonderful Co. — grower of almonds and pistachios — say a California farm labor law is unconstitutional. Los Angeles-based Wonderful Co. — the world's largest pistachio and almond grower, the purveyor of Fiji Water, Pom pomegranate juice and Justin wines, and owner of the Teleflora flower service — wants you to know that it's committed to "sustainable farming and business practices" and sees its employees as "a guiding force for good." Here's another side of the company. Since February, it has been engaged in a ferocious battle with the United Farm Workers over the UFW's campaign to unionize more than 600 Wonderful Nurseries workers in the Central Valley. (Los Angeles Times)


Money if ya got it, have a WHOLE LOT OF IT, I suppose hoarding it makes you feel more human, and a WHOLE LOT less humane! I mean, being a billionaire is a difficult lifestyle to maintain, what with the “run of the mill,” peasants trying their darndest to become THOUSANDAIRRES!  Laws, so it seems for way too many billionaires are only effective when those particular laws are specifically geared to keep the billionaires alive and well within their Billionaire Gilded Cage, kind of like way back when during the Gilded Age!


So interesting if you look at the WONDERFUL Corporation, owned and operated by the billionaire Reznick’s, when they proclaim via their bull shit PR that they are committed to "sustainable farming and business practices" and sees its employees as "a guiding force for good.” BUT yet, somehow paying their workers a living wage, which actually will SUSTAIN their workers lives, permitting their workers to enjoy reasonable hours, with reasonable benefits, which will permit their workers to continue to be a guiding force, is not a priority for Mr. and Mrs. Reznick. 


As I kid I remember my mother would recite, “how much wood would a woodchuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” I was fascinated by that question, always wondering what if those woodchucks chucked down every tree in the world. Here I am way, way older, and as I read an article regarding this batch of bad ass billionaires I am wondering, “how money, would a billionaire need if a billionaire needed nothing more than money?”