Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

 From 1950 to 1953, the world witnessed the Korean Conflict. I am not certain why it was never declared a war, but nonetheless, many members of the Military fought and died fighting in that part of the world. I was born in 1949, and even though I had no idea of anything but the love of my family, the n Conflict happened during my lifetime. Since then, as I have grown and become aware of my being, I have witnessed wars in Viet Nam, Afghanistan and Iraq, in which American Troops have been sent to fight, oftentimes losing their lives, or returning home having lost their hopefulness, promises, and purpose of living.

Growing up, I heard fist hand from my parents, my grandparents, friends and relatives, of the sacrifices our Troops made fighting WWI and the supposed war to end all wars WWII. I read history books, which educated me to understand the sacrifices the men and women made to secure freedom and to keep democracy alive. World War I and World War II were very worrisome examples of the past, showcasing the rottenness, and selfishness, the evil and self-serving desires of tyrants, narcissists, psycopaths, who understood the insecurities of their citizens who seemed to desire a victim to somehow make their own unfortunate lives acceptable. As a young adult, I witnessed our own leaders within the United States, try their best to keep their political careers alive, presenting falsehoods, mistruths, and manipulation of facts fighting wars. Democracy was the priority, but Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Bush, Bush Jr. used sinister means to achieve that goal.


But all along the way, be it from WWI to the conflicts of the Afghanistan-Iraq wars, American men and women, stood up, stood strong, and committed their lives to make certain Democracy/Freedom/ Justice/ and Equality remained alive, even if it meant their lives ended. So, as I celebrate Memorial Day, I would be remiss if I did not thank those who actually placed their lives on the line for good to prevail! I will remember you!