Saturday, May 11, 2024

breathe in the MONEY

 According to a new report, Donald Trump summoned top lobbyists and executives from the oil and gas industry to Mar-a-Lago last month and vowed to gut Biden’s climate laws in exchange for $1 billion. (MSNBC)

Climate change, not for the wealthy Oil Cartel Henchmen and women, they will not worry about the effects of killing the Earth, not as long as they watch their profits rise as fast as the temperatures on Earth. TRUMP could give zero shits about Climate Change, just as long as he receives a check with the number one followed by nine zeros. Money, for those who have lots of it, they seem to suppose that the shit they produce may stink for others, but never for themselves. Money for TRUMP is the essence for his life, and screw anyone else’s life. 


Republican attorneys general from 27 U.S. states and industry trade groups sued the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday, seeking to block a landmark rule requiring sweeping reductions in carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants and new natural gas plants. The rule, finalized by President Joe Biden's administration last month as part of an effort to combat climate change.

Climate Change, nothing to see or worry about, in RED STATES. In RED STATES, where they pretend to be Pro-Life, all they actually seem to prioritize is controlling a woman’s body. Once that fetus is no longer attached to the female, too bad if they will grow up choking on poisoned air. Money from the Oil Cartel in the pockets of Republicans is the only air they prefer to breathe!


The GREED, the GLUTTONY, the ARROGANCE, the AUDACITY of Republicans from TRUMP to Republican attorneys general to the CEOs and Boards of Directors of the GAS and OIL CARTELS are overwhelming, and these crimes are committed in full daylight, even though their ultimate results create nightmares. I suppose if you are the Billionaire CEO’s or the pay to play puppet Republicans, you are so corrupt that any ounce of conscience or decency has been removed and replaced with only SELF-SERVING SADNESS!